General terms

Use of this site ( ) is subject to certain Terms of Use, which constitute a legal agreement between you and Wear Me (EIC 203179806). By using this Site, You acknowledge that You have read, understood and agree to be legally bound by the Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations governing the Site. Before viewing this Site, please review the Terms of Use. Wear Me reserves the right to change the "Terms and Conditions" from time to time, so we recommend that you check them regularly.

We take a one-size-fits-all approach to our customers and provide them with the same benefits whether they are users or not. Therefore, the rules set out in these General Terms and Conditions are applicable to all our customers. This Document constitutes the general terms or conditions of use of , which govern the rules for the use of , including the conclusion of a sales contract with the Seller.


Site - and all its subpages.

Seller - "Wear Me" OOD, called Wear Me for short.

The Platform - the Wear Me Site or mobile application.

Buyer – a natural person aged 18 or over, a legal entity or other legal entity that places an order and concludes a distance purchase-sale contract.

User is any natural person who acquires goods or uses services that are not intended for carrying out a commercial or professional activity, and any natural person who, as a party to a contract under this law, acts outside the scope of his commercial or professional activity.

general terms – these General Terms and Conditions, which include Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookies, Registration and Delivery Rules, Voluntary Dispute Resolution, Contract Cancellation and Replacement Forms and any other legally relevant information found on the Site .

Personal data – any information about a natural person that reveals his physical, psychological, mental, family, economic, cultural or social identity.

Goods - any product or service available on the Platform, including products and services mentioned in the Order, which are provided by the Seller as a result of a concluded Agreement.

Purchase contract - sale represents a remote contract between the Seller and the Buyer for the purchase and sale of Goods through the Platform, an integral part of which are the present General Terms and Conditions for the use of the Platform.

An order – means the User's order for certain Goods selected by him, together with the chosen method of payment and receipt of the Goods.

Cart – a section in the Account that allows the Buyer/User to add Goods or Services that he wishes to buy at the time of their addition or at a later stage.

Services provided

On the Site, Users have the opportunity to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by Wear Me.

Conclusion of a purchase-sale contract

Orders are accepted on the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and public holidays. In order to generate an order through the site, it is not mandatory to register a user profile. The Customer declares his desire to order and buy the Goods through the Platform by placing an Order electronically (or by phone) and which is accordingly registered by himself or by an employee of Wear Me on his behalf.

To order goods, the Buyer completes an order form in the Wear Me web interface. The order form contains specific information about:

1. The ordered goods, their number, colors, sizes.

2. Preferred Shipping Method. It is necessary for the User to provide data for making the delivery. The user agrees and declares that he will provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information when filling in the data for placing an Order.

3. Choose the method and time of payment of the price, then confirm the order through the site interface. When placing an order, the User receives confirmation by email that his order has been accepted. Wear Me makes this notification electronically (email) or by telephone.

The Seller has the right not to deliver part or all of the Products from the Order for various objective reasons, including but not limited to the exhaustion of their stock availability. In all cases, Wear Me notifies the Customer of this by email or telephone. In this situation, the sole responsibility of the Seller is to return any previously received price of the Product.

We only supply goods in the quantity usual for personal consumption. We have the right to determine the maximum quantity we can deliver.

The distance sales contract between the Seller and the Buyer is considered concluded at the moment the Buyer receives his e-mail and/or via SMS sent to his phone as a notification that the Product from the Order is ready to be shipped.

The sales contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller consists of these general terms and conditions.

Price of goods and terms of payment

The prices of the goods offered are those indicated on the website of at the time of placing an order. The prices of the goods are in Bulgarian levs and include VAT. Wear Me may provide discounts for the goods offered on the site in accordance with Bulgarian legislation and rules determined by Wear Me. The rules applicable to such discounts are available where the discount is displayed.

Discounts can be provided in various forms. You can choose the payment and delivery method from the options we offer. Before sending the order will

notify you of the selected payment and delivery method, as well as the associated costs.

The stated delivery time is an estimate only and is based on the estimated delivery time of the courier company.

The Buyer can pay the Seller the price of the goods and all costs related to the delivery according to the Purchase Agreement by the following methods:

- with a bank card

- payment upon delivery (carried out and designated respectively as "cash on delivery", "postal money order" or any other type of payment method permitted by law upon delivery of an order under a contract concluded online / at a distance). The purchase price is paid upon receipt of the goods.

Payment by card

You make the payment during the ordering process by filling in your card details. At the time of dispatch, your card will be debited for the actual amount, taking into account the application of discounts or vouchers, if any. Goods made to order or according to individual requirements of the user lead to an immediate withdrawal from your card of the actual amount calculated after discounts, vouchers, etc.

In the case of online or bank payments, the Seller is not responsible for any costs related to fees, commissions or other additional payments made by the Buyer or his bank in connection with the transaction itself, as well as in cases of currency exchange, applied by the bank that issued the client's card in cases where the currency is different from BGN.

In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is due within 5 working days after the conclusion of the contract, otherwise the order is cancelled.

The Seller must provide the Buyer with a tax document - an invoice for the payments made under the purchase contract. This is done after payment for the goods and is sent electronically to the Buyer's email address.

Transport and delivery

All orders over BGN 100. are delivered with FREE shipping (regardless of whether the user has specified an address or courier office). For orders under BGN 100. charged BGN 6.5 transportation fee.

The delivery of the ordered goods is carried out by courier to the office or delivery address specified by the User in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Before sending the ordered goods, Wear Me has the right to contact the User on the telephone indicated by him, in order to specify details of the order and/or delivery.

Wear Me is not responsible for non-fulfillment of an order in cases where the User has provided false, incomplete and/or inaccurate personal data, including when he has provided an incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious address or phone number.

Delivery time is 10 working days. In exceptional circumstances, Wear Me reserves the right to extend the delivery period, promptly informing the User thereof.

If the Seller, under the Purchase Agreement, is obliged to deliver the goods to the place specified by the Buyer in the purchase order, the Buyer is obliged to accept the goods upon delivery.

In the event that the goods have to be re-delivered or in a different way than specified in the Order, due to reasons arising from the Buyer, the Buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with the re-delivery, respectively the costs associated with other delivery methods.

Upon acceptance of the goods by the carrier, the Buyer is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging of the goods and, upon detection of defects, immediately notify the carrier. In case of discovery of damage indicating unauthorized access to the package, the Buyer is not obliged to accept the package from the carrier.

Cancellation of the contract

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days

without providing a reason.

The opt-out period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you, or a third party other than the supplier named by you, acquires physical possession of the goods.

In order to exercise his right under this clause, the User must notify Wear Me unequivocally of his decision to withdraw from the contract, specifying the goods he wishes to return, by providing all details of the order made and delivery, including but not limited to : content and value of the order, details of the person who placed the order, details of the person who accepted the delivery and date of delivery.

More information on how to return your order can be found here here .

If you cancel this contract, we must refund all payments made by you without undue delay and in any case no later than 30 days from the day on which you inform us of your decision to cancel the contract. We will make this refund using the same payment method that you used for the original transaction unless you have expressly specified otherwise; in any case, you will not be charged as a result of the refund. We may delay your refund until we have received the goods back or you have provided us with proof that you have sent back the goods, whichever is earlier.

When returning the product, it must be in its original packaging, without signs of use or damage to the commercial appearance (e.g. torn packaging, cellophane, removed labels, missing parts, etc.) and must be accompanied by all accompanying documents - receipt and /or invoice, warranty card.

You must send the goods or hand them over to us in person at the contact address provided without unreasonable delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the day on which you notify us of your withdrawal from the contract. The deadline should be considered met if you have sent the goods back before the 14-day period has expired. The transport costs of returning the goods from the customer to are at the expense of the User.

Warranties and claims

The Seller offers all Goods on the Platform with a guarantee of compliance of the goods with the Contract in accordance with the current legislation.

Some of the Goods have warranty certificates issued by the manufacturer, while others are issued by Wear Me.

If upon delivery it is found that the goods have a defect, we can agree on compensation in the form of a voucher. You will also have the right to request remedy of the defect in the form of a new delivery or repair. In the event that remedying the defect is impossible or unjustified for us, you will have the right to

request a discount from the purchase price, and if the defect is substantial, you have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.

Goods are considered defective when they do not have the usual or presented properties, do not fulfill their intended purpose, do not meet legal requirements or are not delivered in the agreed quantity. Please note that increased sensitivity or an allergic reaction to the delivered goods cannot in itself be considered a defect of the goods.

Regarding claims and complaints related to the purchased goods and/or service, Buyers should contact Wear Me at the specified contact details. Any buyer can also make a complaint by filling out the standard form to facilitate the exercise of the right of withdrawal under the Consumer Protection Act and sending it by e-mail.

See more at How to return my order.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights in all materials and resources located on the Wear Me website are subject to protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, belong to Wear Me or the appropriate designated person who assigned the right of use to Wear Me and may not be used in violation of current legislation.

In case of unauthorized copying or reproduction of information, as well as any other violation of intellectual property rights on Wear Me resources, Wear Me has the right to claim compensation for direct and indirect damages suffered in full. Except in cases where it is expressly agreed, the User may not reproduce, modify, delete, publish, distribute and publicize in any other way the information resources published on the Wear Me website.

Processing of personal data

Please review the policy for Protection of personal data .